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Gulf Coast Centrifuge & Machining Inc. builds and sells shakers. Gulf Coast Centrifuge & Machining Inc. is recognized as being leaders and innovators in the centrifuge industry. Gulf Coast Centrifuge & Machining Inc. consistently set standards for efficiency and performance. Gulf Coast Centrifuge & Machining Inc.s machines are capable of generating high G-forces and use the largest most powerful vibrators available in the centrifuge industry. Our shakers use orbital motion for extended screen life and excellent conveyance. Our shakers can also be used for rapid feed screen conveyance with excellent solids retention. Shakers are available in a variety of sizes and work with any kind of setup or volume requirement. If you give Gulf Coast Centrifuge & Machining Inc. your specifications, Gulf Coast Centrifuge & Machining Inc. can custom-build the shaker that better serves your needs. Please call for models, custom designs, specifications, pricing, and delivery times.